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5 Must-Have Features in a Amylase Enzyme Powder

Dec. 02, 2024
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Digestive Enzymes: Amylase, Protease, And Lipase

The concept of digestive enzymes is fairly easy to understand, but when delving into the details it is helpful to take a step back and understand what the myriad of available enzymes are actually performing within the body. While many separate enzymes are needed to interact with the food we eat, there are three amylase, protease, and lipase which are associated with the primary macronutrients in our diet; carbohydrates, proteins, and fats respectively.

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The pancreas is the primary organ responsible for the production and release of amylase, protease, and lipase. As a food bolus passes through the digestive tract, it stimulates the release of these important enzymes to drive the efficient breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller particles which can be absorbed later in the digestive process and eventually used throughout the body. In addition to the pancreas, amylase is also released in saliva in the mouth and is known as salivary amylase.

While the digestive process relies on much more than just amylase, protease, and lipase for the complete and efficient digestion of food eaten, they are a core component and great place to start when looking at how digestive enzymes contribute to gastrointestinal health.*


Amylase is responsible for the breaking of the bonds in starches, polysaccharides, and complex carbohydrates into easier to absorb simple sugars.1 Salivary amylase is the first step in the chemical digestion of food. This is one of the major reasons that it is so important for people to take time while eating and thoroughly chew their food. 2 This initial step in the digestive process is essential to the proper breakdown of food eaten and the ultimate liberation of the nutrients within to be absorbed later in the digestive process. As the starches, polysaccharides, and complex carbohydrates continue through the digestive tract, they are further broken down from additional amylase released from the pancreas into the proximal small intestine.


Another important enzyme to the efficient digestion of food eaten is protease. It is responsible for the primary breakdown of proteins and polypeptides from animals and plants and for proline dipeptides from gluten and casein. Proteases are released by the pancreas into the proximal small intestine, where they mix with proteins already denatured by gastric secretions and break them down into amino acids, the building blocks of protein, which will eventually be absorbed and used throughout the body.


While amylase and protease do a great job of breaking down carbohydrates and proteins, the body needs another enzyme for the breakdown of fats, oils, and triglycerides. This is where lipase functions. Lipase is necessary for the full digestion of fats to their smaller fatty acid components.

Why do digestive enzymes matter?

At times, food may not be digested fully as it passes through the digestive tract. A number of reasons may be at the root of this circumstance. This can result in the inefficient liberation of the nutrients in food. While this can be difficult to feel on a day to day basis, there are several things which can point to the need for a bit more focused digestive enzyme support. When someone is experiencing occasional gas, bloating, and / or indigestion, a supplemental digestive enzyme may be an effective solution.* 3,4 When food is not digested fully prior to progressing through the gastrointestinal tract, it comes into contact with bacteria in the distal small intestine and colon. Bacteria present in that area will ferment the maldigested macronutrients with the resulting byproducts being gases released to the digestive tract. This excessive gas buildup is what many people notice and initially report to their healthcare practitioner.

Digestive enzymes including amylase, protease, and lipase represent a foundational aspect of gastrointestinal health.* Either producing them efficiently or supplementing when necessary are important considerations for today's integrative practitioner.


  1. Sundarram A, Murthy TPK. α-Amylase Production and Applications: A Review. Journal of Applied & Environmental Microbiology. ;2(4):166-75.
  2. Mackie DA, Pangborn RM. Mastication and its influence on human salivary flow and alpha-amylase secretion. Physiol Behav.. . 47(3), 593-5.
  3. Suarez F, Levitt MD, Adshead J, Barkin JS. Pancreatic supplements reduce symptomatic response of healthy subjects to a high fat meal. Dig Dis Sci.. . 44(7), -21.
  4. Roxas M. The role of enzyme supplementation in digestive disorders. Altern Med Rev. . 13(4), 307-14.

Amylase | Baking Ingredients


Amylase is widely distributed in nature. It is present in both plants and animals. Cereal and grains and their flours naturally contain different types of amylase. In cereals, it is found in the endosperm, bran and germ.

Commercial production

Amylase is generally produced by commercial fermentation. Bacterial sources such as Bacillus subtilis or B. stearothermophilus are used. Or, fungal sources, such as Aspergillus oryzae or A. niger.


Amylases perform the following functions in bakery products:

  • Provide fermentable and reducing sugars.
  • Accelerate yeast fermentation and boost gassing for optimum dough expansion during proofing and baking
  • Intensify flavors and crust color by enhancing Maillard browning and caramelization reactions.
  • Reduce dough/batter viscosity during starch gelatinization in the oven.
  • Extend oven rise/spring and improve product volume.
  • Act as crumb softeners by inhibiting staling.
  • Modify dough handling properties by reducing stickiness.


Features of amylases used in baking include:2,3,4

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Type EC number Chemical bond cleaved/Reaction catalyzed Product Application α-amylase (liquefying enzyme) Random endo-hydrolysis of α(1'4)-D-glucosidic bonds between glucose units in amylose and amylopectin. 

Cannot cross a branch point (α-1,6 bond)

Dextrins of 10'20 glucose units 


Production of starch syrups 

Sprouting of cereals

Anti-staling agents

Alpha-amylase has the largest effect on dough properties and bread quality

β-amylase Exo-hydrolysis of α(1'4)-D-glucosidic bonds 

Successively removes maltose from the non-reducing ends of starch.

Can not cross a branch point (α-1,6 bond)

Maltose Sprouting of cereals 

Provides food for yeast for optimum product volume and color

Amyloglucosidase or glucoamylase (saccharifying enzyme) Exo-hydrolysis of α(1'4)- and α(1'6)-D-glucosidic Glucose Decreases proofing time in low'sugar and frozen dough 

Production of high DE starch syrups

Provides substrate for glucose oxidase to properly function as dough strengthener

Maltogenic amylase Hydrolysis of α(1'4)-D-glucosidic bonds Small dextrins from amylopectin exterior Anti-staling agent Pullulanase (debranching enzyme) Hydrolysis of α-1,6-glucosidic linkages Branches of starch Production of starch syrups

Activity of alpha-amylase

α-amylase only acts on damaged and gelatinized starch. Conversion of starch to dextrins and maltose via α-amylase catalysis takes place as follows:5

Starch + H2O ' Dextrins + Maltose

Optimal conditions for α-amylase activity are:

  • pH: 5.5'6.0
  • Temperature range: 104'140°F (40'60°C)
  • Contact time between enzyme and substrate: at least 60 minutes of dough processing
  • Water availability: preferably aw of 0.9 or higher
  • Amount of damaged and gelatinized starch substrate
  • Enzyme dosage relative to substrate: Alpha-amylase is usually added to bread formulations at 0.002'0.006% (20 to 60 ppm) based on flour weight.

The enzymatic activity of α-amylase can be quantified analytically. One unit (1U) is defined as the amount of enzyme needed to release 1 μmol reducing groups, i.e. maltose/min from soluble starch at 25°C at pH 7.0.

α-Amylase can also be quantified indirectly using the Falling Number, RVA or amylograph tests.5

Comparative functionalities of amylases from various sources:

Source Purity Heat resistance / thermal stability Side activities Notes Cereal Low Medium High Can be used in Falling Number (FN) test Fungal Medium Low Medium Cannot be used in FN test Bacterial High High Low Extremely heat stable 

Over-dose problems

FDA regulation

This ingredient is considered GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) in the US by the FDA. It can be used in food with no limitation other than current good manufacturing practices.6

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Amylase Enzyme Powder.


  1. Mathewson, P.R. Enzymes, 2nd edition, Eagan Press Handbook Series, AACC International, Inc., , pp. 1'105.
  2. Van Oort, M. 'Enzymes in Bread Making.' Enzymes in Food Technology, 2nd edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, , pp. 103'143.
  3. Rosell, C.M., and Dura, A. 'Enzymes in Bakeries.' Enzymes in Food and Beverage Processing, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, , pp. 171'195.
  4. Prasada Rao, U.J.S., and Hemalatha, M.S. 'Enzymes.' Bakery Products Science and Technology, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, , pp. 276'291.
  5. Bisswanger, H. 'Enzyme Assays.' Practical Enzymology, 2nd edition, Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co. KGaA, , pp. 170'174.
  6. Smith, J. 'Enzymes.' Food Additives Data Book, 2nd edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., , pp. 366'454.



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