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Covering Agent for Aluminum Casting: Powder vs. Paste

Jun. 07, 2024
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Aluminum casting is a common process used in various industries to create complex shapes and designs. To ensure the quality of the final product, covering agents are applied to the molten aluminum to prevent oxidation and improve the surface finish. Covering agents are available in powder or paste form, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will compare the two types of covering agents and discuss their effectiveness in aluminum casting.

**Powder Covering Agent**.

Powder covering agents are widely used in the aluminum casting industry due to their convenience and ease of application. These agents are made from a mixture of powdered materials, such as boron nitride, graphite, and alumina, which are designed to form a protective layer on the surface of the molten aluminum.

One of the main advantages of powder covering agents is their ability to provide consistent coverage across the entire surface of the molten aluminum. This helps prevent oxidation and dross formation, resulting in a higher quality casting with a smooth finish. Powder agents are also easy to store and handle, making them ideal for use in large-scale production facilities.

However, powder covering agents can be messy to work with and may not adhere well to vertical surfaces. This can lead to uneven coverage and the potential for defects in the final casting. Additionally, powder agents may not provide as much protection against inclusions and shrinkage defects compared to paste agents.

**Paste Covering Agent**.

Paste covering agents are another option for aluminum casting, offering unique advantages that make them suitable for specific applications. Paste agents are made from a mixture of fine powders and binding agents, which are formulated to create a viscous paste that can be easily applied to the surface of the molten aluminum.

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One of the key benefits of paste covering agents is their ability to adhere well to vertical surfaces, providing more uniform coverage and better protection against oxidation and dross formation. Paste agents also have a longer shelf life than powder agents and can be easily mixed to achieve the desired consistency for various casting processes.

However, paste covering agents may be more difficult to apply compared to powder agents, requiring specialized equipment or tools for proper application. Paste agents can also be more expensive than powder agents, making them less cost-effective for some applications.


In conclusion, both powder and paste covering agents have their own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to aluminum casting. Powder agents are convenient and easy to use, providing consistent coverage and protection against oxidation. Paste agents, on the other hand, offer better adhesion to vertical surfaces and longer shelf life.

The choice between powder and paste covering agents ultimately depends on the specific requirements of the casting process and the desired quality of the final product. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each type of covering agent, manufacturers can make an informed decision to achieve the best results in their aluminum casting operations.

For more information on covering agents for aluminum casting, please contact us.

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