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How to Choose Squirrel Gauge?

Jan. 06, 2025
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Shotguns for Squirrels

I know what you are saying, &#;Finally, Ole Nate&#;s gonna give the shotgun fans some love!&#;  Yeah you are right.  While the shotgun is not my first choice for the squirrel woods, I can&#;t neglect to give my thoughts on it any longer.  It&#;s how I got started in squirrel hunting.  Shotguns are probably the first firearm the outdoor community uses to introduce children into the sport of hunting, besides the .22 rifle.  

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The first firearm I ever received was a shotgun.  Gifted to me by my parents.  Arriving home from school one Friday afternoon, at the age of 12, there sitting on the fireplace was a green box with the word &#;Remington&#; on it.  I was fairly shocked, and had no idea this purchase was in the works.  That&#;s how a surprise is suppose to work.  The Remington 870 that was purchased for me that year, has now many miles and scars on it through heavy use.  I recall the length being a tad long at 12 years old. On one of my first dove hunts I fired 66 shells and took 6 birds.  I was unable to shoulder the shotgun correctly, consequently I received a large bruise on my bicep.  I then graduated to hunting squirrels with the 20 gauge 870.  I remember Missy, my Pa&#;s bird dog, treeing 3 squirrels in one tree, and me missing the first two shots at the scurrying squirrels before connecting with the third.  Enough with memory lane, but now you have a basis of how a shotgun has served me for squirrels.

The idea of using a shotgun for squirrels fits with early season and heavy foliage.  It can be difficult to draw a bead on a early season squirrel, aggressively feeding in a leafy branch tip.  Especially if you want a head shot.  Using the shotgun is perfect in this situation.  Placing the bead of the front sight at the base of the squirrel should bring said squirrel out of the tree everytime.  How about a squirrel timbering through the trees?  Certainly.  No gun better than a shotgun to tame a &#;runner&#; with.  Ever had a squirrel run past you in the woods while on a stalk?  I definitely have.  There is pretty much nothing you can do with a rifle, but with a shotgun you have a chance.  Back in my earlier days of squirrel hunting I liked hunting in a four man team:  Two gunners (Semi-auto guns 10/22, Marlin 60), One sniper (some type of scoped rifle), and One cleanup man (shotgunner).  It was like I had a tactical team for taking down squirrels.  Yeah I know I&#;ve got it pretty bad.  

Lately I&#;ve had a few people question the safety of firing up into a tree with a 22 rifle.  I understand the safety concern, so there is no better firearm for such a fear than the shotgun.  At most with a shotgun you will experience the &#;peppering&#; effect.  That&#;s when the lead from the fired shell rains down on you.  Mostly this is experienced in a crowded dove field.  If you are unsure that a 22 rifle fits your safety threshold, or your state doesn&#;t allow rifles for small game hunting, the shotgun will be your best and only option.

Like rifles, shotguns offer a multitude of variety.  Pump, Semi-auto, Side by Side, Over and Under, Break Barrel (single shot) are just the ones that come to mind.  Any of them will serve you well for chasing bushytails.  Pump and Semi-auto shotguns will give you the most firepower, along with faster followup shots, &#;IF&#; you miss.  Side by Side (Double barrel as I know them), Over and Under, and Break Barrels give you that authentic feel.  I have a hunting buddy that prefers to carry a double barrel on squirrel hunts, and while heavy, the nostalgia drives his decision.   

What about gauge?  Which one is right?  It tends to be a personal preference.  I got my first shot at a squirrel with a .410.  When considering the .410 for a squirrel shotgun, make sure it can take a three inch shells.  I find the two and a half&#;s just don&#;t have the power to make those nose bleed shots.  The .410 is probably the lightest, most compact option.  Break barrels are generally the most popular, although I&#;ve seen pump actions and side by sides.  

How about 28 gauge?  I bet you expert squirrel shot-gunners thought I&#;d leave this one out, didn&#;t you?  Well I would have if I hadn&#;t been introduced to it through the man who sold me my first Feist squirrel dog.  His 28 gauge pump would accompany him on competition hunts.  It was lightweight, handled with speed and had the power the .410 lacked.  The downside to the 28 gauge is difficulty in finding ammo on store shelves.  However, shells for the 28 gauge can be found online.  If you are a reloader it makes the 28 gauge more appealing.  You can produce the perfect squirrel loads.

Sixteen gauge anyone?  This particular gauge has a strong following, but you won&#;t find it on most store shelves.  It should be an excellent gauge to harvest squirrels with, although I don&#;t have much experience.  I believe it&#;s superseded by the slightly more powerful 20 gauge.  The sixteen gauge lacks the power of the 20 gauge, and you have the same size package.  For those reasons the sixteen gauge is usually overlooked.

I&#;ll discuss the 20 and 12 gauges together.  Certainly they are the most popular.  As with the Ruger 10/22, every gun owner should on at least on 12 or 20 gauge shotgun.  From my experience, I would say the 20 gauge may be the perfect squirrel shotgun.  It has the required power for squirrels while cutting the ounces that the 12 gauge adds on.  A 12 gauge would be as high as I would go shotguns for squirrels.  Twelve is probably the most popular gauge used for squirrels, mainly because it&#;s the most popular shotgun gauge.  My inclination is not to start youth with the 12 gauge.  You don&#;t want the recoil to shy them away from the opportunity to hunt.  For squirrels I tend to use a shell between a 6-8.  Seven and half is usually what is marketed for squirrel hunters.

What stops me from choosing a shotgun over a rifle?  The main reason is accuracy.  Lack of effective range is another reason.  When skinning a squirrel, making sure you get all of the lead pellets out of the meat can take more time than it&#;s worth.  The shotgun and ammo combined are heavy and cumbersome for my applications.  Lastly, they are LOUD when you shoot.  I can tell my ears are more sensitive as I age.  The loud bang of the shotgun is something I just prefer not to deal with.  Don&#;t let my discrepancies with the shotgun deter you from taking one in your favorite patch of woods.  It may just be the ideal tool to get the job done.  

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Squirrel Hunting Tactics

Long before the popularity of deer and turkey hunting boomed across the country, there was squirrel hunting. There was a time when small game hunting was king. It was a way of life and a means of sustenance. However, those days are long gone. All that&#;s left are memories shared by the older generation of hunters, and a declining number of squirrel hunters across the country. Truth be known, squirrel hunting can be some of the most enjoyable hunting of the season.

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Ample targets make for endless excitement for hunters of all ages. Squirrels make for the perfect introductory hunt for newcomers wanting to try their hand at hunting. Whether for the first time, or the first time in a long time, hunters need to experience the joy of squirrel hunting. Here&#;s a look at some squirrel hunting tactics to help tip the odds in your favor this season.

Find the Food, Find the Squirrels

Like most any wild animal, if you find their food source, you&#;ll find the squirrels. And finding the food is relatively easy. Squirrels are foragers. They are opportunistic critters that&#;ll eat just about anything, depending on the season. Just remember squirrels and nuts pretty much go hand in hand. Hickory nuts and Beech nuts are preferred early-season trees to find squirrels feeding in, while oak nuts will draw squirrels throughout the fall and winter months. When times get tough, squirrels will even eat tree bark. Other items in their diet can include insects, grass, fruits, and veggies. Squirrels make a lot of noise as they feed on nuts high above the ground. You&#;ll hear the cutting sound of their teeth chewing on nuts, as well as the sounds of the nuts and leftovers falling to the ground as squirrels feed.

Nests & Dens

Another way to identify where squirrels are hanging out is to locate their nest and/or dens. These are easily identified on a quick scouting trip through the woods. Squirrels make nests, a large cluster of leaves and sticks, high above the ground in the forks of tree limbs. Dens can be found in old, dead tree trunks. You&#;ll find small holes in the hollow den trees that make for an easy entry and exit point to these protected den sites. Dens offer more protection from the elements and will become the go-to hide when the weather calls for more cover during the winter months.

The Setup

Setting up for squirrels is quite simple. Fortunately, there are no blinds, treestands, or other prep work that must take place for your squirrel setup. You simply find a comfortable spot to sit or stand against a large tree located in gun range of the food sources and dens mentioned above. It makes for an enjoyable hunt as you can hit the woods with nothing more than your gun slung over your shoulder and some ammo in your pocket.

Slip into the woods before daylight, take post at whatever spot you choose, sit still and keep your eyes on the treetops. Squirrels will begin moving shortly after daybreak as they emerge from their nests or dens and begin looking for food. When you&#;ve exhausted one spot, move slowly through the woods to get into fresh ground, all while keeping your eyes on the trees around you. Some squirrels will boogey if they catch you moving, while others will sit tight, hoping you don&#;t actually see them. Move slow, and be ready for the shot when the opportunity arises.

Go-to-Guns for Squirrels

Some guys swear by the .22 rifle for squirrel hunting. &#;Save the meat &#; headshots only,&#; they&#;ll say. Others lean toward the more forgiving shotgun approach to maximize opportunities when squirrel hunting. The shotgun can be a great way to start, ensuring quick success and better shot coverage as squirrels move about through the trees.

The 12 gauge, 20 gauge, and even the .410 shotgun all work well for squirrel hunting. Shot size loads from 6-8 work well for squirrels, with the 7 ½ size getting much of the playing time by shotgun-toting squirrel hunters. The .22 rifle has its place among seasoned squirrel hunters for the ultimate in accuracy and reach on squirrels hiding up high. The Mossberg 500 .410 turkey gun works equally well on treetop squirrels.

Gear for Squirrels

As mentioned above, there&#;s not much required for the squirrel hunter in the way of gear beyond the gun and ammo. But there are a few items that will help make your time in the woods a little more enjoyable. A squirrel vest (small game vest) has plenty of pockets to stash your ammo, snacks, and a water bottle. Better yet, it&#;s got a built-in game bag on the back that allows you to stash your squirrels.

It&#;ll help keep squirrel blood off your clothes and keep your hands free as you move about the woods. Other items you might find in the squirrel vest include bug spray/tick repellent, toilet paper, binos, GPS/map, and a smartphone. Some guys like to pack a seat cushion or small folding stool if they plan to be sitting in one place for an extended period of time, or just want to keep their backside dry.

Squirrel hunting allows you to keep it simple

It&#;ll provide more shooting opportunity than most anything you&#;ll hunt all season, and some mighty fine table fare to boot. It&#;s the perfect hunt to introduce a child, spouse, or non-hunter to the world of hunting and the outdoors. Squirrel seasons are typically the longest season on the hunting calendar, so don&#;t miss out on the abundance of opportunities. It just might be the most fun you&#;ll have all season long.

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