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Loop tack

Loop tack

Loop tack

The &#;loop&#; tack value of a pressure sensitive material is expressed as the force required to separate, at a specified speed, a loop of material (adhesive outermost) which has been brought into contact with a specified area of a standard surface (usually glass or metal). An adhesive strip is formed into a loop and held within the jaws of a tensile tester.

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It is then compressed onto the standard surface until it makes full contact over a specified area (typically 25mm x 25mm). It is then pulled off the surface at a fixed speed to establish the tackiness.

The result is the average tension force after ignoring the initial peak and is expressed in Newtons.

Loop tack testing allows the comparison of the "initial grab" or "application tack" of different laminates and can be extremely useful to those working with automatic labelling equipment where this property is of particular importance.

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Loop Tack Test for Adhesive Tapes

Loop Tack Test for Adhesive Tapes

Loop Tack Test is one common test method to measure the tack strength of adhesive tapes, which is descripted in ASTM D. The standard describes two ways to perform the look tack test for adhesive tapes. One is loop tack tester. But it is uncommonly used since its sole test function. The other way to use tensile testing machine or universal testing machine. Same as using the single purpose machine, you can also get accurate test results. Besides this, you can also perform many other common adhesive and material tests such as 90 degree peel adhesion tests, 180 degree peel adhesion tests, and standard tensile strength testing

Here is a short video of loop tack test for adhesive tapes.



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