Stock tanks - which type? - Around The Farm - Chronicle Forums
Stock tanks - which type? - Around The Farm - Chronicle Forums
I have 3 300 gallon rubbermaid stock tanks. I am very pleased with them. I keep goldfish in them to keep the algae down. I top them up regularly but almost never dump them.
Goto Longzhuo to know more.
The first one did spring a leak via a small crack because the ground under it got all twisted. I was able to repair it after I drained it and moved it and it is still in use. Taking a moment to level and compact the ground before you place it is probably worth it.
What I love about these tanks is that my horses can have water for a week or two even in summer even if I cannot fill them, like say during an extended power outage or because we were evacuated for a fire (in one case both). I also love that the horses have water under ordinary circumstances, like Ive come home late after a fun day away, and that I dont have to fill them every single day.
You can install automatic valves on them as well and leave them permanently attached to a hose.
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For more information, please visit hdg tank.
I also provide my horses with buckets that are easy to clean and refill. Having two water sources means that theres always something good enough for them, and Im covered if something breaks or the buckets get fouled. That said, my mare used to always leave her stall in the morning with the fresh and filled water bucket and head straight for the fish water, where shed take a nice long drink.
These tanks are too tall for sheep, so for them I have the Tuff Stuff 40 gallon rubber tubs that are easy to tip and refill. Again, Ive found it very useful to have those in addition to buckets, and in the enclosure with a lot of sheep, two of them. These are heavy enough for horses but youd be spilling water out of them pretty regularly to keep them clean.
Our ice issues are at most an inch of ice overnight on top which I can break with a hay hook, so I dont need a deicer.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website grp sectional water storage tank.