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What are some of the common questions around Off-Grid ...

Aug. 12, 2024
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What are some of the common questions around Off-Grid ...

Q. What are some of the common questions around Off-Grid systems?

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How many solar panels and batteries will I need?

The number of solar panels and batteries you will need will be based on your power needs, Once our system designers have conducted a thorough load assessment, taking in consideration the site requirements and location of your dwelling, they will be able to calculate the amount needed.

What sorts of incentive or rebates are available for off-grid solar power?

All solar panel installations in Australia are subsidized by the Federal Government&#;s STCs incentive (Small scale Technology Certificates) which offset the cost for your system. There are two ways this incentive can affect the cost for your future Off Grid system.

  1. Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, small-scale technology certificates are calculated based on system location, installation date, and the amount of electricity generated over the course of its lifetime &#; which is referred to as the deeming period. As the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme will end in , the standard 15 year deeming period for a solar PV system started to be reduced 1st January to 14 years, and each following year, until the closure of the scheme in . This will reduce the number of small-scale technology certificates that can be created for an eligible system. The reduced amount of STCs from 1st January represents a 6% drop. Don&#;t hesitate as these are being reduced it&#;ll increase the cost of going solar
  2. The value of each STC is based on supply and demand. Due to this the STC market is from time to time subject to volatility which effects the value of each STC.

The solar panels, inverters and chargers that we use are on CEC&#;s approved list of off-grid solar power systems and our installations are done by our local CEC accredited installers.

Can I run normal appliances?

Yes, absolutely. Our Off-Grid systems are designed to give you an &#;On Grid&#; feel which will enable you to run your appliance as you wish. With the capacity of the inverters, you can during daytime live a normal life like you are connected to the grid. However, we recommend that you consider 5 important things regarding your Hot water, Cooking, Cooling/Heating, Efficient Appliances, Household routines and how they relate to reducing your system requirement&#;s and possibly saving you thousands of dollars in system costs. Talk to one of our Off Grid Specialist to find out more.

Am I able run an air-conditioner in an off-grid home?

Yes! Today&#;s air-conditioners such as inverter split systems are relatively efficient. As we size all our systems to meet your needs, all we need to know is the size of the air-conditioner and the way you are going to use it. However, we recommend that you consider 5 important things regarding your Hot water, Cooking, Cooling/Heating, Efficient Appliances, Household routine and how they relate to reducing your system requirement&#;s and possibly saving you thousands of dollars in system costs. Talk to one of our Off Grid Specialist to find out more.

Can I use electric cooking?

Yes, we can size your off-grid system to run electric cooking. In fact, we can design a system to run any appliance you may have. However, we recommend that you consider 5 important things regarding your Hot water, Cooking, Cooling/Heating, Efficient Appliances, Household routines and how they relate to reducing your system requirement&#;s and possibly saving you thousands of dollars in system costs. Talk to one of our Off Grid Specialist to find out more.

What is different about living off the grid, to living on the grid?

If the system is designed correctly, the difference is very little, as even in bad weather such as prolonged rainy days We can seamlessly automate a generator with auto start function to start-up to ensure your home always has the power your require.

What does DoD or SoC stand for?

DoD, is short for the Depth of Discharge and is used to describe how deeply the battery is discharged.

Different types of batteries have different discharge rates and your system designer will be able to take you through these different systems and advise you on the type that will suit your needs.

SoC, is short for State of Charge and is used to describe how much charge is retained by the battery.

If the battery is fully charged, it means the SoC of the battery is 100%, if however, the battery has delivered 50% of its energy then the SoC of the battery is 50%.

What is the usable  capacity of a battery

The Usable capacity of an off-grid battery bank will depend on the type of battery used.  For example, Lead-acid batteries usually have a daily recommended depth of discharge set at 30%, therefore, the usable amount of power will be 30% of the total storage.

E.G 10kwh battery with a 30% DOD = 3kwh of usable energy.

Lithium batteries have a much higher depth of discharge which is usually around  90-96% of the total storage.

How is my Off-Grid system designed?

We use our own, in-house, system design software &#; made specifically for designing complete Solar Off-grid systems. Using your load profile, we can formulate a technically compliant system design, along with a quotation and accurate system performance details.

This sizing tool ensures greater accuracy in system design choices, specific to your situation and future needs. Meaning you are not buying a system that is too small or too large for your needs.

How much does an Off-Grid system cost?

The cost of a complete Off-Grid system depends on many factors such as energy requirements, peak power requirements, equipment quality, installation location (affects STC value and expected solar panel performance) and many others.

The biggest factor is how much energy you&#;d need. Generally speaking; small off-grid systems can range from $10,000 to $25,000, most family homes usually range from $30,000 to $45,000, and large or luxury homes can be from $60,000 upwards.

Prices above are given as general indications only and may vary without notice. We recommend you get in touch with us for a proper assessment to get a price for a customized system specific to your circumstances and expectations.

Should I go Off-Grid or get Grid connection?

With rising electricity prices and large upfront connection costs, choosing to go off-grid for your electricity is increasingly more attractive. When deciding for Off-Grid system or paying to connect your property to the grid, looking at the full system life cycle will help to understand the total cost of each option over the long term, not just the initial upfront cost. There are a couple of things to consider;

Firstly, find out what the cost would be to get grid connection. Besides this initial connection cost, the other cost factor is your projected total cost for grid power in total over the next 5, 10, 15 years with an expected 5% price increase per year.

An off-grid system requires a backup power source for times of high usage or bad weather. When you don&#;t have a grid connection, then this backup power is most commonly sourced from a petrol/diesel generator.

An off-grid system needs to include extra battery capacity to give you a few days&#; worth of storage, just in case there are a few days of bad weather.

Find out the expected lifetime on your Off-Grid system, ongoing costs (generator fuel, maintenance) and equipment replacement over their useful life.

Off-Grid Power

  • No ongoing power bills
  • No connection fees
  • Protected from rising power prices
  • Independent and sustainable electricity
  • The equipment you pay for, you own
  • Green and renewable source of electricity
  • 85% total efficiency (95% during the day)
  • Limited to the amount of power a system can provide
  • User interaction required

Grid Connection

  • Quarterly power bill
  • Quarterly supply fee
  • Yearly price rises
  • Dependent on corporation&#;s for electricity
  • Pay to upgrade equipment that you don&#;t own
  • Power generated from non-renewable, polluting sources
  • 30% power transmission efficiency (70% losses)
  • Unlimited amount of power available
  • No user interaction
  • No idea of power cost until the bill arrives
  • Zero maintenance

Can I Expand My System Later?

Whether you can expand your battery capacity later is entirely dependent on the type of battery system you have. In most cases the solar component of your system is easily expanded (solar panels and solar PV inverters), and it&#;s the battery capacity that can sometimes be tricky or expensive to expand.

Systems like the BYD lithium-iron battery are extremely easy to expand as they are scalable up to 32 units in parallel (441.6kWh). Whereas many off-grid systems are difficult to expand on in five years&#; time, it is usually best to go for the battery capacity you estimate to need in the future.

Ground Mount stand or rooftop installation.

Choosing the right racking usually comes down to a combination of cost and available space. Many times, it can be cheaper alternative getting a car port section built instead of ground mount stand. The space underneath can then be useful in many ways including a place for the inverter and battery bank.

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Before Installing Off Grid Solar, Pose These Crucial Questions

In an era when power outages disrupt our daily lives and environmental concerns weigh heavy on us all, solar power has never looked more attractive.

Imagine a sustainable, self-sufficient, eco-conscious lifestyle powered by solar power&#;powered by its endless supply&#;without being subject to fluctuations from a grid that doesn&#;t know your name! Such visions of independence have captured many minds.

Before embarking on this journey powered by the sun and before bidding adieu to traditional energy sources, asking the right questions is essential. Though there might be bright sunshine outside, inside there still remain grey areas that need clarification.

Now, let&#;s look into these questions together and make your off grid solar dream a shining reality.

Considering Off Grid Solar? Get Expert Answers to Your Questions.

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1. Is Off Grid Solar a Suitable Choice for Your Location?

For you to go solar with no connection to the main power grid, your home must meet certain solar compatibility requirements. Below are some of the key factors:

  • Sunlight Availability:

Determine how many hours of sunlight shine on your rooftop during the day. A good number of off grid solar power systems require ample sunshine in order to work well. If direct sunlight reaches your rooftop inadequately, it is advisable that there be better options than using solar panels.

  • Roof Orientation:

When it comes to generating solar energy, location is everything. Solar panels function best when facing the sun; therefore, a roof facing south is the ideal option.

  • Electricity Costs:

Before deciding to go solar, consider how much power costs locally. Solar is a highly alluring choice in some locations since it may reduce your long-term power bill costs.

  • Government Rebates:

Check whether your government has any rebate schemes or incentives to help you buy solar panels. A few areas provide financial support with the motive of encouraging people to use more solar energy, and that&#;s how it could lower the entire cost of going solar initially.

  • Solar System Components:

Look for what is necessary for your solar setup: solar panels, solar inverters, and any kind of finance or package deal offers present there. It should be easily accessible as well as affordable in your locality.

  • Professional Installers:

It&#;s important to find skilled and trustworthy solar installers. Seek out well-regarded solar installation companies in your area that have a proven history of successful projects. A good installation is key to the effectiveness and durability of your off grid solar system.

Read also: Things to Know Before Going Off Grid with Solar

2. Analysing Your Energy Bills: Is Your Electricity Consumption High Enough to Justify Off Grid Solar?

Before investing off grid, examine your electricity bills and use habits, specifically your power bills. Before making this decision, consider the following points:

  • Is your electricity bill high?

Start by checking out your current electricity bills. If you spend quite a lot each month or year on electricity, off grid solar can start looking like a smart financial move. Sometimes, solar panels are able to seriously cut down your electricity expenses by half or even more in certain situations.

  • Calculating Potential Savings:

You were guessing the potential savings as you switched to solar. Solar panels produce clean, renewable energy, reducing your dependence on your utility provider. This change could result in considerable annual savings running into hundreds of dollars, depending on how much electricity you consume and the size of your solar setup.

  • Environmental Benefits:

Besides saving money, going off grid with solar goes a long way towards maintaining a cleaner environment due to the fact that electricity is generated without damaging greenhouse gas emissions. Consideration of nature should also provide an incentive to think about solar energy solutions as part of your energy solution strategy.

  • Government Incentives:

Check to see if your local government provides rebates, tax credits, or other benefits for installing solar panels. These incentives may cut down on upfront costs, making off grid solar an even more cost-conscious option.

  • Long-Term Perspective:

Take into account the long-term prospects. Off grid solar is an investment that typically pays for itself in several years&#; time. Consider whether you are willing to make this longer commitment, and also consider whether the likely savings match up with your financial objectives.

3. Understanding the Cost of an Off Grid Solar System: Should You Opt for a 6kW or Above?

Before buying an off grid solar system, one has to assess their energy needs carefully and choose the right off grid package size that caters to them. Different sizes of off grid systems come with varying capacities that have a bearing on costs. Let&#;s explore the cost dimensions.

Typically, an off grid solar system involves panels, inverters, batteries, installations, permits, and even tax credits or incentives in certain scenarios. Generally speaking, residential systems will be valued between $10,000 and $50,000, depending on location and sizing requirements.

When selecting a 6 kW or larger package, take into account your energy usage patterns and goals for energy independence. Here is a breakdown of the key considerations:

  • Energy Needs:

To start, consider the amount of energy that you consume in your house. For most homes, a 6 kW system is ideal to provide electricity sufficient to power appliances and basic lighting needs. If your consumption is higher or you want it to supply additional devices within the home or even an electric car, then a bigger solar panel will be required.

  • Cost vs. Energy Production:

Larger systems generally produce more electricity but are expensive to buy. Establish whether increased production justifies spending extra money by considering long-term savings on electricity bills.

  • Space Availability:

The space you have on your property matters. Larger systems will require a relatively larger space at your place. Make sure the size of the chosen system can fit at your place.

Want more information on Off Grid Power Solutions? Feel free to contact us.

  • Battery Storage:

If there is a need for energy storage to support power on cloudy days or at night, factor out batteries&#; cost as well. Big systems may tend to consume bigger battery setups, hence increasing the cost as well.

  • Incentives and rebates:

Check for any local or federal incentives and tax credits available for off grid solar installations. This can significantly reduce the overall cost and make a larger system more financially feasible.

Discover If Off-Grid Solar Aligns with Your Needs.

Ask AHLEC Solar Today.

4. Financing Your Off Grid Solar System: Is it a Wise Choice for Your Financial Situation?

Deciding whether to opt for solar financing is a significant consideration when planning your off grid solar system installation. Solar finance options vary, and it&#;s essential to assess whether they align with your financial situation and goals. Here&#;s a closer look at solar financing and its suitability for your needs:

Solar financing mainly gives businesses and individuals the chance to own solar panels for their property or business without an upfront cost, ongoing maintenance, or operating costs in full or in part. This type of finance is generally offered by most financiers with flexible terms according to your situation, along with choices on a loan.

The following are some standard general options:

  • Green Loans:

Green loans are nothing but simple, low-interest personal loans that banks voluntarily give to green customers. Green loans may prove a good choice for you if you do not want to pay cash upfront for your solar system. Generally, people with sound credit ratings and a commitment to the environment get eligible for green loans.

  • Self-Financing:

Investing in solar directly when there is money at hand proves a wiser choice. Solar yields are way higher than standard bank savings or government bonds, and on top of that, they also give tax-free returns on investment.

  • Mortgage Increase:

Some homeowners choose to finance their solar installation by increasing their mortgage. However, it&#;s important to compare this option with short-term solar loans, taking into account application fees, variation fees, and mortgage insurance costs.

  • Personal Loans:

For individuals who may not qualify for more favourable financing terms or prefer faster debt repayments, personal loans from finance firms are an option. Although these loans come with higher interest rates, they could still prove cost-effective if larger upfront payments cannot be met.

Consider your current financial circumstances before embarking on solar financing. Your creditworthiness, available funds, and long-term goals should all come into account before making the final decision to go solar. Before making that choice:

  • Be sure to compare the terms, interest rates, and fees offered by different lenders.

  • Note potential savings in electricity bills and government incentives or discounts that could reduce financing costs.

  • Compare terms between lenders.

5. Choosing the Best Solar Panels: Which Panels Use the Most Energy?

The correct solar panel for your energy system may make or break its efficiency and efficacy. There are various elements to consider while making this essential decision to assist you in picking energy-efficient panels for your outside grid installation. It is particularly important to take note of their energy conversion efficiency percentage; higher-efficiency discussions tend to produce more electricity from equal sunlight input.

Single-phase solar panels are noted for their energy efficiency and performance versatility. They are especially well suited for non-electrical usage because of their ability to generate considerable quantities of power even in low-light settings. Monocrystalline panels take up very little area, making them an attractive alternative for installation on a tiny roof or the ground.

Polycrystalline solar panels are another option to consider. Polycrystalline solar panels may not provide as efficient power generation as monocrystalline panels do; however, their lower costs make them an appealing choice for off grid systems on tight budgets. Furthermore, in areas with ample sunlight, they still deliver reliable energy production.

Thin-film solar panels, although less common, offer unique advantages in terms of flexibility and lightweight design. However, their energy efficiency tends to be lower than that of crystalline panels. They are best suited for off grid applications where flexibility and portability are essential, such as in remote or mobile setups.

Read also: Choosing the Right Solar Panels for Your Off Grid Solar

6. Choosing an ideal solar transformer for off grid use: What factors should be considered?

The back-grid solar power system relies on inverters to convert the direct current (DC) from a solar panel to alternating current (AC), so it can power appliances and machinery if some inverters are available and suitable for use after the power supply. Each offers specific benefits and functionality. Here are some common ones:

  • Pure Sine Wave Inverter (PSW):

Advantages: It produces a clean and stable AC output similar to utility grid power, making it compatible with most appliances and electronics. It is ideal for sensitive equipment like computers and medical devices.

Applications: Suitable for most off grid solar systems where high-quality AC power is required.

  • Modified Sine Wave Inverter (MSW):

Advantages: more affordable than pure sine wave inverters. It can power most standard appliances and devices.

Applications: Commonly used in off grid cabins, RVs, and for basic power needs; not recommended for sensitive electronics or appliances with motors.

  • Grid-Tied Inverter with Battery Backup:

Advantages: It allows you to connect your off grid system to the grid for backup power and sell excess energy back to the grid. Provides seamless management during grid outages.

Applications: Useful in areas with intermittent grid access or for reducing electricity bills through net metering.

  • Microinverters:

Advantages: Each solar panel has its own microinverter, which optimises power production and simplifies installation&#;better performance in shaded conditions.

Applications: Suitable for off grid systems where panel-level monitoring and optimisation are important.

  • String Inverters:

Advantages: Used in larger off grid systems where multiple solar panels are connected in series (strings) to a single inverter. Cost-effective for large installations.

Applications: Commonly used in residential and commercial off grid systems.

  • Battery-Based Inverters (Inverter Chargers):

Advantages: Designed to charge batteries from solar panels, provide AC power to loads, and invert DC battery power to AC. Combines inverter and battery charging functions.

Applications: Essential for off grid systems as they manage energy storage and power distribution.

  • Hybrid Inverters:

Advantages: It combines the functionality of a solar inverter, a battery inverter, and a grid-tied inverter into one device that seamlessly switches between grid power, solar energy, and battery energy sources.

Applications: off grid and hybrid solar systems that desire maximum self-consumption while having access to backup power are suitable candidates for these solutions.

Before selecting an off grid solar inverter, examine your power requirements, budget, appliances and devices you want to utilise, and the specific needs of your off grid location. Speaking with a solar energy specialist can help you choose the ideal inverter for your off grid installation.

7. Examining Warranty Coverage: What Is the Warranty Period for Off Grid Solar Panels and Inverters?

When contemplating the installation of an off grid solar energy system, it&#;s crucial to assess warranty coverage to safeguard your investment and ensure long-term reliability. An investment in solar energy represents a considerable financial commitment; therefore, having access to an extended warranty period provides peace of mind.

In the realm of off grid solar systems, you&#;ll want to enquire about the warranty coverage for both the solar panels and the inverter. Warranty terms can vary between manufacturers and system providers, so understanding the specifics is essential.

Off grid solar panels typically have a warranty duration of 10 to 25 years. This implies that your panels will be protected against defects and poor performance for the term of the guarantee.

In terms of the inverter, warranties often span from 5 to 15 years. The inverter is a critical component of your solar system, responsible for converting DC power to AC power, so having warranty coverage for this component is vital.

Inspection of warranty periods should be a key component in selecting an off grid solar system. An extended warranty can provide peace of mind that you are covered if any unforeseen problems arise with your design while simultaneously reflecting manufacturer confidence in their product&#;s reliability and durability.

8. Evaluating Off Grid Solar Installers: Do They Offer Workmanship Warranties, and Have They Established a Long Track Record in the Market?

When it comes to choosing an installer for your off grid solar system, conducting thorough research is paramount to ensuring a successful and reliable installation. Two crucial factors to assess are whether the installer provides a craft warranty and their longevity in the market.

Craft warranties are a fundamental consideration when selecting an installer. These warranties serve as your protection against any errors or subpar craft that may occur during the installation process. In the event of any issues or malfunctions arising from the installation, a reputable installer with a craft warranty will cover the costs of rectifying the problem. This assurance is vital to safeguarding your investment and ensuring the optimal performance of your off grid solar system.

Equally important is the installer&#;s track record and experience in the market. Installers who have been in the solar industry for a substantial period often have a well-established reputation for delivering high-quality work. Their longevity indicates a level of expertise, reliability, and customer satisfaction that contributes to a successful solar installation.

When in the process of selecting an installer, it is advisable to enquire about the specifics of their craft warranty. Ensure you have a clear understanding of what is covered and for how long. Additionally, ask about the installer&#;s history in the industry, including the number of years they&#;ve been in business and any notable projects they&#;ve completed.

Don&#;t Install Off-Grid Solar Without Expert Input.

Reach Out to Our Experts!


Before leaping into solar energy, it&#;s essential to ask these questions and conduct thorough research. Contacting reputable solar companies like AHLEC Solar can provide you with valuable insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Going with off grid solar power is an exciting and sustainable choice, but careful planning and expert advice are key to a successful and environmentally friendly transition.

Don&#;t hesitate to contact us to explore the world of off grid solar and take the first step towards a greener and more self-sufficient future.


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