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What equipment to choose to open a Location-Based VR?

Jun. 10, 2024
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What equipment to choose to open a Location-Based VR?

The required material

Here is a brief overview of the hardware you will need for your VR room for in-room games:

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  • Internet connection
  • Gigabit Ethernet network
  • Good WiFi coverage in the room (802.11n 2.4 GHz minimum, 802.11ac 2.5 + 5 GHz recommended)
  • 1 dedicated &#;Launcher&#; computer station allowing the remote start of games on the server and players, connected to Ethernet
  • 1 dedicated &#;Server&#; computer station allowing multiplayer games to run, connected to Ethernet
  • For each player:
    • 1 Backpack type computer station (to be worn on the back)
    • 2 sets of additional batteries (3 packs in total per backpack)
    • 1 external charging station and 1 additional transformer to power it (according to the Backpack brand)
    • 1 &#;HTC Vive Pro&#; headset with its 2 controllers Faux leather cover to replace the foam on the headsets to make them cleanable.
  • For each room (less than 20m²): 2 HTC Vive base stations to track players in space

Installing the hardware for a game on a room-scale surface with the HTC Vive headset

To install room-scale games in your VR room, each game room must measure 4m50 x 3m50 (but possible up to officially 6x6m). Two players with backpack equipment and Vive helmets will be placed in the same room. On the other hand, only one pair of base stations must be installed per room.

HTC Vive base stations should be placed diagonally no more than 6m apart, and preferably elevated and oriented slightly downward, to scan the space well without obstructing their vision.

If the VR room has several rooms, you will need to add opaque partitions (partitions, opaque tarpaulins without holes) between the different rooms to prevent interference between the pairs of bases. Indeed, they must not see the other bases, only their associated base.

What equipment to choose for VR games in warehouse-scale spaces?

In a warehouse-scale game, players live XXL experiences over several hundred square meters and move freely in a huge play area. The hardware you'll need in your VR room to deliver this kind of activity is more substantial, but warehouse-scale games promise more collaborative experiences and true immersion.

The required material

  • Internet connection
  • Gigabit Ethernet network
  • Good WiFi coverage in the game room
  • 1 dedicated &#;Launcher&#; computer station allowing the remote start of games on the server and players, connected to Ethernet
  • 1 dedicated &#;Server&#; computer station allowing multiplayer games to run, connected to Ethernet
  • For each player:
    • 1 Backpack type computer station (to be worn on the back)
    • 2 sets of additional batteries (3 packs in total per backpack)
    • 1 external charging station and 1 additional transformer to power it (according to the Backpack brand)
    • 1 &#;Windows Mixed Reality&#; headset with its 2 controllers. We recommend the Samsung Odyssey or HP Reverb G1-G2 models.
    • If the helmet has absorbent foam (all except Samsung Odyssey), an imitation leather cover to replace it

Hardware installation for a warehouse game

If you want to offer warehouse-scale gaming, your main constraint will be having sufficient space in your virtual reality gaming space. Indeed, your playroom will have to be 21 m x 10 m without obstacles in the middle. For the games offered in the Octopod catalog in any case.

The game is developed to run on Microsoft's Windows Mixed Reality platform. This platform currently provides the best compromise in this kind of experience because the movement is not limited by sensors, it is the helmet itself that determines its position in the environment.

A hardware calibration step will be necessary to install the game. This manipulation allows you to define the point of origin and to place and orient the player in the virtual world in line with the physical world. This is an essential point for a successful immersion and good progress of the game.

There needs to be a player equipment lock at the start of the warehouse-scale experience. All players should be able to equip themselves at the same time in this space. In your VR room, you will therefore need to provide enough space.

For practical reasons, it is strongly recommended to place the PC Launcher in the airlock where players equip themselves and &#;leave&#; in the game. This will allow you to verify that all players are well equipped and have no problems. tracking before launching the game, then confirming that all is well when they leave the room.

It is also strongly recommended to add a Wi-Fi terminal in the Airlock so that the backpacks have a good connection when starting the game or when they are stored (and that they must for example download a new version of a game on the local network).

Another essential piece of equipment in your VR room is a drum set (you will also need 3 sets) for the backpacks with an external charging station to have permanently charged sets of batteries at all times and therefore alternate them. batteries when the backpack is discharged.

Tracking with Windows headsets requires the most constant light conditions possible. The room should therefore be uniformly well lit with static white lights and not be subject to variations.

For the headset to find its way around the space, it will also be necessary to line the walls and the floor of the room with matte black and white patterns with strong contrast.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit VR Arcade Machine.

What equipment for a mobile VR?

You will likely have to travel to present your VR game room. You will then have to provide yourself with a VR stand.

  • Internet connection on all workstations
  • For each player:
    • 1 &#;Headset&#; computer station
    • 1 &#;Oculus Rift S&#; headset with its 2 &#;Touch&#; controllers

Installation of equipment for a mobile VR stand

To set up your mobile VR stand, place the Oculus Rift sensors in 2 (or 3) different corners of the box, preferably high up and facing slightly downwards to sweep the space well. The first 2 sensors must be connected directly to the machine's USB 3.0 ports, and if there is a 3rd sensor (the furthest away), it must be connected via USB 2.0 with a USB extension cable.

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Hello everyone, i am really interesting about that game, i am old player Osu, so that game fascinating me too, I want to know what i need with equipment to that game and about how many it will be cost... I will play on PS4

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