7 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Taking ...
7 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Taking ...
It is important to be very careful with antibiotics: not to harm our health and not to contribute to their decreasing effectiveness.
Jiayi Pharmaceutical supply professional and honest service.
[This text has been written by Marina Tarrús, Victoria Ballén, Natalia Rosón and Sara Soto.]
1. Can I take an antibiotic when I think I need it, even if it has not been prescribed by a doctor?
No, you should only take antibiotics when the treatment has been prescribed by a physician because only they have the necessary expertise in infections and how to treat them with antibiotics. Your doctor will first identify what kind of infection you have (whether it is caused by a virus or a bacteria, for example) and then prescribe the appropriate treatment. Remember that antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections. Protocols have been developed to assist medical personnel in making a diagnosis. These are made available through regional, national and international health networks, such as the PROA programme, and are included in guidelines produced by teams of health professionals. Doctors use these protocols to monitor the patient's condition and symptoms and to decide on the most appropriate treatment in each case. For example, a patient with a mild bacterial infection may be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate their symptoms, thereby avoiding the need for antibiotic treatment. Or the treatment may be modified several times depending on the patient's immune response.
2. Can I modify the prescribed antibiotic regimen if I am feeling better?
No, under no circumstances should you modify the treatment regimen (by changing the interval between doses for example) or discontinue treatment without specific instructions from your doctor! If you feel better it may be because the antibiotic therapy is working, but you must still complete the whole course of treatment prescribed by your doctor to ensure that all of the bacteria that caused the infection are eliminated and to reduce the chances of developing an infection caused by bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics you are taking. Furthermore, if you still have symptoms after you complete a course of antibiotics, you should schedule a follow-up consultation with your physician, who will evaluate the situation and, if necessary, adjust the antibiotic regimen.
3. Can I take antibiotics left over from a previous treatment?
No, you should not save leftover doses of an antibiotic once you have completed the prescribed course of treatment. And you should never use leftover antibiotics to self-medicate when you think you have a bacterial infection or pass them on to someone you trust who asks you for the drugs because they think they need them. Only a doctor can evaluate whether a patient needs antibiotic treatment and prescribe the appropriate medication. If the box you receive from the pharmacy contains more antibiotics than you need to complete the prescribed course, once you have completed your treatment you must take the leftover medication back to the pharmacy and deposit it in the white SIGRE drop-off bin (Punto SIGRE). You can dispose of any kind of medication you no longer require in these bins. If you do this, as well as taking care of your own health you will also be taking care of the environment because anything disposed of in SIGRE bins will be properly treated and disposed of as medication, something that does not happen when medications are discarded in a general waste bin. Medication in Spain is currently not supplied in exact individualised quantities, although work is being done to make this possible in the future. So, any antibiotics left over after you have completed the prescribed course are the result of issues related to production or logistics and have nothing to do with the appropriate treatment or the number of doses you should take.
4. Can I take expired antibiotics?
No. Expired antibiotics will not be effective. The expiration date indicates the point at which the drug compounds have deteriorated and lost their potency against the bacterial microorganism. This can be because the active ingredient is no longer effective or because the preservatives in the medication have deteriorated more rapidly due to factors such as fluctuations in temperature, light or humidity. In the worst case scenario, expired antibiotics can become toxic. Whenever you get sick and do not feel better after a few days, you should consult a health professional, who will identify your symptoms and prescribe an appropriate treatment. If you have been prescribed antibiotics and you have the same medication at home which has expired, take the expired drugs to the drop-off bin in your local pharmacy (Punto SIGRE) and buy the medication you have been prescribed. Remember, if there is medication left over after you complete the prescribed course of treatment, you must also deposit this in a SIGRE bin.
5. Can I take two antibiotic tablets at once if I have skipped a dose by mistake?
No. If you skip a dose of an antibiotic, the level of the antibiotic in your body will drop and the bacteria will start to multiply again. This may result in the bacteria becoming resistant to the antibiotic, which would make the treatment less effective. However, it is not advisable to take two doses at the same time as this could be toxic. The best way to proceed is to take the following dose at the appropriate time. A piece of useful advice: set an alarm to remind yourself to take each dose'a strategy that will work equally well for both oral and topical antibiotics. You must take all the doses prescribed and never skip doses or stop treatment even if the infection appears to have been eliminated.
6. Can I mix antibiotics with other medications?
You should always tell your doctor what other medications you are taking because antibiotics can interact with other drugs, for example certain anticoagulants and antacids, and they may even reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills.
7. Can I mix antibiotics with alcohol?
APHIS Core Message Set Questions and Answers
Message Set Overview
Are there any specific criteria that must be followed for the common name (PG17)? Can filers pull the line level description into the common name field? For example, can filers transmit "tomato" for both grape tomatoes and plum tomatoes, as an example?
APHIS requests that filers provide the common name for the regulated product. For instance, grape and plum tomatoes are regulated as tomato. Animal products may have a general name when listing a product with more specific components. For example, in PG02 a product reported as bouillon can have a component reported as milk. When looking for terminology to use, please refer to import documentation such as permits and phytosanitary certificates. You may also use APHIS's ACIR Database to look up common names for fruits and vegetables.
Is globally unique product code a mandatory data field for the APHIS Core message set? If mandatory, how would importers and filers determine when the globally unique product code is required?
The PG01 globally unique product code is an optional field for the APHIS Core message set.
When is an original phytosanitary certificate required? Where can brokers go to find out when and where to provide original phytosanitary certificates?
Certain government-to-government documents such veterinary certificates and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) certificates must be presented in their original paper format at the first port of arrival to the inspecting officers. While phytosanitary certificates are now accepted as electronic copies, inspectors can still request originals to verify authenticity. To obtain commodity-specific import guidance, visit the APHIS Import & Exports webpage or APHIS Contacts page to find out how to reach specific programs. Please contact U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Agriculture at the port of arrival for information on where to provide paper certificates.
Since the trade guide correlates Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes with appropriate program codes, and there appears to be a one-to-one correlation, why does APHIS not assume the program code based on HTS code?
The Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code master correlation table in the APHIS Core Supplemental Trade guide and on the APHIS Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) website makes recommendations based on tariff code descriptions and past filing data; however not all correlations will be appropriate for all situations. In addition, the Government Agency Program Code is a requirement in the CBP ACE CBP and Trade Automated Interface Requirements (CATAIR) PGA Message Set and must be entered by the broker. Please contact your software vendor about possibly using the correlation table to auto-populate certain fields to fit your specific business needs.
What type of data would be required for in-bond moves? For instance, will a full APHIS CORE data set be required for Transit & Exportonds?
APHIS restrictions on agriculture imports and transits, including in-bond movements, apply to all shipments. Entry types Transportation and Exportation (62) and Immediate Exportation (63) are exempt for the message set. For in-bond immediate transportation (61), APHIS still requires admissibility information at the first port of arrival. Importers and brokers who are not filing electronic entries (other than in-bonds) in ACE may submit paper documents at the first U.S. port of arrival. Importers and brokers filing electronically in ACE should submit an APHIS Core message set concurrently with the in-bond. Failure to submit the message set with the in-bond will result in paper clearance of the cargo at the first U.S. port of arrival and flagging of APHIS Core message set at the in-bond port of entry, duplicating work.
For APHIS Core submission information, please see ' When to Submit an APHIS Core Message Set, by Entry Type, in ACE' on the APHIS website. Visit the APHIS Imports & Exports website for information on restrictions for agriculture imports and transits.
Will we receive a "May Proceed" from the partner government agency (PGA) when transmitting a disclaim?
The system will not generate an SO70 'may proceed' message when PGA data is disclaimed, but a one USG message and release will still occur if all PGA requirements are met.
Will there be a listing of minimally required data elements?
The APHIS Core Implementation Guide does not provide a table of minimally required data elements as each shipment is unique in the information required by APHIS. The APHIS Implementation Guide does indicate which data elements are mandatory, conditional, or optional when reviewing specific PG lines. Please work with your software vendor to identify which elements are required when filing APHIS Core message set.
Does anything change for a carrier filing an e-manifest on ACE with APHIS-regulated shipments?
No. The APHIS Core message set is transmitted at entry (cargo release) and does not change manifest. The APHIS Core message set must be provided at or before arrival because it contains the information required to determine product admissibility. While cargo isn't cleared on manifest, APHIS does recommend providing accurate manifest information to help better identify cargo contents.
When is the APHIS Core implementation date?
Beginning January 25, , APHIS will activate Core Message Set flags in ACE. This will change the severity from a 'warning' that a message set is needed to 'reject' entry for not filing the APHIS message set. That means, importers and brokers using ACE to submit electronic customs entries that include APHIS-regulated plants, plant products, animal products, or live dog imports will have to use the APHIS Core Message Set to provide APHIS-required import data for those items. This phase does not include other live animal imports.
Is APHIS able to view documents in the document imaging system (DIS)?
APHIS can only view documents properly coded for APHIS per the DIS implementation guide. The APHIS Core Supplemental Trade Guide includes an LPCO/DIS Correlation Table that provides DIS document codes for commonly used APHIS documents.
For shipments to be admitted to a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ), will the message set be required?
Entry type 06 for Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ) are exempt from message set filings at this time. Please review the table of entry types for which APHIS Core message set flags will be enforced on the APHIS ACE website for the most up-to-date guidance. Remember, FTZ admissions still require the submission of APHIS admissibility documentation (permit, certificate, etc.) even if no message set is required for the entry type.
What are the correct units of measure to use when filing an APHIS Core message set?
Within the Appendix PGA, there is a subset of units for APHIS Core. This is the general list for most of APHIS. In addition, guidance on APHIS preferred units of measure by category type are in the APHIS Supplemental Trade Guide. One exception to this list is the cut flowers and greenery commodity category type, which is limited to box (BX), bouquet (BQT), bunch (BH), and stem (STM).
Will there be a de minimis exception for APHIS Core?
APHIS does not have a de minimis exception for admissibility of regulated goods. Filers may submit admissibility information using any applicable entry type including the new entry type 86 for de minimis goods.
Please clarify 'per agency guidance." Does this mean a specific say from USDA or something more general?
Disclaim code B ('per agency guidance') refers to a product regulated by APHIS, but the agency has determined the product does not need a message set or license, permit, certificate, or other document (LPCO) as a condition of entry. Admissibility guidance can be found on the APHIS Imports and Exports webpage or by contacting APHIS directly. Example: Certain animal products fall under Veterinary Guidelines that do not require LPCOs.
Will we be able to file in a standalone APHIS system, much as we can for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
APHIS Core does not have a standalone system for filing message sets. Message sets for APHIS Core must be filed in ACE at or before arrival in the United States.
For commodities that do not require permits,will we have to fill out APHIS Core?
When APHIS Core flags a shipment as AQ2 (data is required), a message set is required regardless of whether a license, permit, certificate or other (LPCO) document is required for admissibility. When APHIS Core flags a shipment as AQ1 (data may be required), you must file a message set if an LPCO is required for admissibility. However, if no LPCO is required for admissibility, the shipment may be disclaimed. Please see the APHIS Core Supplemental trade guide for more information on disclaiming.
Does the actual USDA import permit have to be attached to the entry through the Document Imaging System (DIS) or just the number of the permit entered into the message set?
APHIS has successfully integrated ACE with ePermits and eFile (the agency's permitting systems). This integration allows ACE to automatically match permit data reported in PG13/14 record lines with official permit records from ePermits and eFile. 'LPCO Type' and 'Number' are key data elements for a successful match. When reporting permits issued by ePermits and eFile, an SO72 match/no match message will be sent to the filer. This message is informational only and lets the filer know whether the officers received the permit via the automated process. If the filer receives a no match permit, first check that the 'LPCO type' code is appropriate for the permit (a table of codes and their respective permits can be found in the Supplemental Trade Guide). If both the 'LPCO type' and permit number are correct, please upload your permit into DIS with the appropriate codes for APHIS and send an with the entry and permit number to so that we can determine the issue.&
Several APHIS permits are not currently transmitted to CBP ACE DIS and will not match with proper input. These permits include Veterinary Services Center for Veterinary Biologics permits and Animal Care permits.
Will the PPQ application number be accepted in lieu of the permit number? Some ports of entry will accept the application number for entry.
If you only have an application number, filers may submit the PPQ application number in lieu of the permit number when applicable. The application number does not have the same matching feature of permits. Please upload a copy of the application to the DIS to help expedite your shipment. Note: if you do have a permit number and submit with the corresponding LPCO type in the message set, the permit will automatically be available to the CBP Agriculture Specialist. This means you would not need to upload a copy of the permit to the DIS. Currently, Animal Care and Veterinary Services Center for Veterinary Biologics do not match in the DIS and must still be uploaded.
Is the product code number (PG02) really conditional? If so, what are the conditions and where can we get a reasonably sized download of possible codes.
The PG02 product code is optional for all message sets, except for all Veterinary Services Center for Veterinary Biologics permitted products that use an APHIS permit (LPCO type code A06 and PG10 Category Code 307).
Speak to your software vendor about using this field to auto-populate other fields based on product codes. Some readily available codes include the GS1 Global Product Classification Lookup, Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN), and the UN Standard Products and Service Code (UNS)
On live perishable entries, how long will it take to get a response so a shipment is not delayed?
After entering an APHIS Core message set that passes all validation, the filer will receive a 'may proceed' message. This does not bypass the authority of CBP Agriculture to place a shipment on hold for review or inspection.
Please elaborate regarding the meaning of "LPCO"?
APHIS requires various licenses, permits, certificates and other documents (LPCO) as a condition of entry. LPCOs include permits, phytosanitary certificates, CITES certificates, certificates of origin, and health certificates, as well as required manufacturer statements. LPCO's provide CBP Agriculture and APHIS officers with the ability to clear and/or inspect commodities. Some LPCOs provide key information about the commodities' identity (e.g. the name, amounts, conditions, origin etc.), provide statements of sanitary/cleanliness, or conditions of admissibility (e.g. permission, authorizations, attestments, statements, etc.), and provide arrival notification (e.g. notice of arrival, declaration of importation, etc.).
Do you anticipate releasing another version of the Implementation Guide soon?
APHIS regularly updates the Implementation Guide and the Supplemental Trade Guide to make corrections, adjust data element requirements, and update rules. With any new release, APHIS will notify stakeholders about the updates. Stakeholders may also visit the APHIS ACE website to see the most up to date releases.
I understand that if the product is subject to AQ1 and has an LPCO that a full message set must be submitted via ACE.That said, could you please elaborate on what you mean by O (Other). What document would be considered Other?
An example of an 'other' document would be a manufacturer's statement verifying a condition for an animal product. Please refer to the requirements of individual APHIS programs to determine import requirements.
What happens if an Importer forgot to renew their permit? Is there a way to input or will the shipment be rejected?
Currently, APHIS Core message set does not validate the expiration dates on permits. An expired permit would not be rejected if entered into PG13/14. However, CBP Agriculture reviews documentation on behalf of APHIS and will reject shipments that do not import requirements, including expired permits.
Is there a list of LPCOs which will only be required electronically vs. paper?
For a full list of LPCOs and their submission requirements please see the LPCO/DIS Correlation Table in the APHIS Core Supplemental TradeGuide.
Is there an exemption for personal shipments bought in the market, which there is no manufacturer statement and/or LPCO?
APHIS regulates all shipments regardless of end use including express courier. For small value shipments, the filer may use the new entry type 86 for reporting information electronically.
For DIS submissions, are "APH" tags valid via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)? Recent reject of APH_STAT states it is not a valid active document label for EDI.
Please be sure to use the most recent APHIS Core Implementation Guide and CBP ACE DIS implementation guide when filing ACE data for APHIS Core.
The manufacturer/producer's statement, as required on the VS 16-6A, must also be loaded under the PG14 record. As this document does not necessarily have a number, what would APHIS advise to use if no number exists?
For documents that do not have a uniquely assigned number, please report the name of the document in the PG14 LPCO number line.
The importer (IM) is shown as a required element, but the Implementation Guide says to submit CB (customs broker) as a mandatory party and to use IM - importer if CB is not used. Can you please clarify if the mandatory importer referenced is the LPCO authorized party (LAP) or is APHIS saying that IM should be used vs CB?
APHIS requires the contact and address information for two entities: the ultimate consignee (UC) and the customs brokers (CB). In a situation where a customs broker is not used, then the importer of record should be identified. When inputting a license, permit, certificate or other (LPCO) document information into the message set, APHIS requires the reporting of the LPCO authorized party (LAP). Other entities may need to be reported as described in the APHIS Core Implementation Guide.
May we begin transmitting APHIS/USDA messages in our ABI/ACE Transmissions before January 25, ?
The APHIS Core message set has been in production since . APHIS encourages filers to begin filing message sets before the January 25, date. If you have questions or receive any errors when filing APHIS Core message sets, please contact us at .
Will APHIS Core require software revisions, such as what was done when FDA went live in ACE?
Please refer to the most updated APHIS Core Implementation Guide for software needs. Although we might make changes to the APHIS Core Implementation Guide that require minor software updates, APHIS message set in general is established and will not change.
Can we pre-file APHIS/USDA info before transmitting entry to ABI/ACE? Similar to transmitting FDA Prior Notice information?
APHIS Core does not have a standalone filing system. APHIS Core information must be transmitted through ACE prior to or at arrival for those filing electronic entries.
Working with software vendors you may be able to pre-fill information in your system before transmitting to ACE. Please see the list of software vendors on the CBP website.
How will the broker know if the permit number is matched?
When filing PG13/14 APHIS permits, APHIS Core message set users will receive a 'NOT FOUND' message if the permit did match in the system. If this happens, please scan and upload a copy of your permit to the DIS using the proper APHIS DIS codes. 'NOT FOUND' messaging will not impact a filing transmission.
Will filers still need to submit a paper notice of arrival?
No. APHIS has replaced the paper notice of arrival with the APHIS Core Message set. The notice of arrival is now a document with optional submission. For the most up-to-date information, review the document requirements in the LPCO/DIS Correlation Table in the APHIS Core Supplemental Trade Guide.
There was a field for general common name, but not anymore. Is it still required?
APHIS removed the requirement for common name general. Common name specific (vernacular or colloquial name) remains mandatory.
Is there any support and/or onboarding process for filers who want to start submitting the APHIS Core message set?
You can submit APHIS Core message sets now. For guidance on how to get started, please refer to the CBP ACE support website. For information about message set technical requirements, visit the ACE automated broker interface (ABI) and CBP and Trade automated interface requirements website. For information on submitting APHIS Core message sets, please visit the APHIS ACE website. For help with submitting an APHIS Core message set, please contact APHIS at .
For more Antibiotics Exporterinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
Are electronic image submissions required? If so under what circumstances?
Submitting documents to APHIS is conditional based on the document. APHIS requires paper submission of certain government-to-government documents such as veterinary certificates, and CITES certificates. While phytosanitary certificates are now accepted as electronic copies, inspectors can still request originals to verify authenticity. Requirements for submitting other documents through the ACE Document Image System (DIS) vary. Please refer to the LPCO/DIS Correlation Table in the APHIS Supplemental Trade Guide for the most up to date document requirements.
Who do you contact for assistance with APHIS Core?
For questions regarding submitting an APHIS Core message set, please .
What is the definition of DFI?
In certain instances, transmitting the crop grower information (DFI) is required in the PG19 entity section of the APHIS Core message set. Please refer to the APHIS Core Implementation Guide for information on when crop grower information is required. For information on code definitions used in the APHIS Core message set, please see the ACE Appendix PGA.
Are Chains of Custody still required?
Chains of Custody are forms used to transfer actions from CBP Agriculture to APHIS. Please contact your local port to determine when the form is required.
Are there penalties imposed for clerical errors and misdeclaration?
For APHIS Core message set data, the primary means of *enforcement* is to hold the shipment pending corrections. APHIS intends to give brokers every opportunity to amend declarations and submit correct information.
Are there any options to do PGA correction after the declaration is accepted?
APHIS intends to give brokers every opportunity to make corrections for the most accurate filing. Failure to update after a review and request for correction can result in an Emergency Action Notification.
How is the PG02 Processing Code determined for disclaims?
When disclaiming, no records beyond PG01 are required. Please refer to the APHIS Implementation Guide and CBP ACE CATAIR PGA Message set for guidance on the required elements when disclaiming.
Can the Crop Grower (DFI) be different from the Shipper?
Yes. The crop grower is identified as the party who grows the crops and may not be the same as the person shipping the cargo.
What is the APHIS definition of Ultimate Consignee (UC) for APHIS Core?
APHIS identifies the Ultimate Consignee as the party in the United States to whom the overseas shipper sold the imported merchandise. If at the time of entry or release the imported merchandise has not been sold, then the Ultimate Consignee at the time of entry or release is defined as the party in the United States to whom the overseas shipper consigned the imported merchandise. If the merchandise has not been sold or consigned to a United States party at the time of entry or release, then the Ultimate Consignee is defined as the proprietor of the U.S. premises to which the merchandise is to be delivered.
If an entry is flagged for APHIS Lacey (AL1) and APHIS Core (AQ1 or AQ2), are both message sets required?
Yes. APHIS Core and APHIS Lacey Act Message Sets are separate message sets. If an HTS code flags for both programs, the filer must submit a message set for each program.
Is there a list of HTS numbers for the manufactured and processed products affected by the APHIS flags?
APHIS provided a Harmonized Tariff Code Master Correlation Table in the APHIS Core Supplemental Trade Guide. The Guide also indicates the category types, category codes, and the APHIS Operational Program that fall under each HTS code. Please be advised these are recommendations based on the tariff code description and are not absolute or all encompassing. In addition, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) periodically updates the HTS codes throughout the year. APHIS takes reasonable steps to stay up to date with these changes. Even though an HTS code is not included on the list, an APHIS Message Set may still be required.
When submitting the Y indicator for PG01 electronic image, are we always indicating submission of information to DIS? No DIS = N indication?
The PG01 Electronic Image Submitted data element is conditional and not always required. When submitting a yes indicator (Y), the filer is indicating there are documents available in the Document Image System (DIS). If the filer did not upload any documents to DIS, the filer would not provide any information in the field.
Where can I find the Implementation Guide?
You can find the Implementation Guide on the APHIS ACE website and on the CBP website.
How can an importer know if their product requires APHIS Core?
In ACE, APHIS has flagged the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes that may require APHIS data (AQ1) or require APHIS data (AQ2). The filer will see these flags when filing an electronic entry through ACE.
The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) periodically updates the HTS codes throughout the year. APHIS takes reasonable steps to stay up to date with these changes. Filers are required to submit APHIS Core information for all APHIS regulated commodities regardless of ACE flagging. The APHIS Core Supplemental Trade Guide lists the HTS codes and their APHIS flags.
Is it acceptable to report routing type 198 (original location) with the country of origin for all entries? For instance,if we are submitting an entry with country of origin NL shipping from Canada to the U.S., can we report routin g type 198 and NL for the associated country code?
Routing type (PG32) specifically refers to the shipment's movement into the United States. If the shipment intended began routing from the Netherlands(NL) and only transited Canada (CA) to arrive at the U.S. port, then PG32 should indicate that routing began at NL and the transit country was CA. If the commodities were imported into CA for storage from NL, then sometime later shipped to the United States, PG32 should indicate routing began in CA.
How should PG32 be reported if the country of origin and country of export are different? Is the expectation that multiple routing types are transmitted in scenarios such as this?
APHIS uses the PG32 data record to capture information about commodity routing, including the routing type and information about the country through which the commodity passes on its journey to the United States. APHIS requires the country where routing to the United States began for all products regulated by the agency. APHIS uses a separate data record, PG06, to report country origin/source/production of the goods.
The Implementation Guide states "APHIS Conditions: If LPCO indicates transiting or transhipment countries then the routing type is required.' Is this required only if on the LPCO as the IG states or at any time it transits or transships in another country?
Please report transiting and transhipment countries when known, even if not stated on LPCO.
What is the definition of transshipment? If shipment remains in the custody of the carrier to the United States, would that be considered shipped directly to the US?
For definitions of transshipment and transit country, please refer to the ACE Appendix PGA. For shipments where the cargo never leaves a carrier, only the original location of routing reporting is required.
Should bags of 25 KG be reported only for the bag or also different levels of packaging, i.e., bags x carton, cartons per pallet, etc.?
The PG26 record captures data pertaining to packaging of goods and their quantity. The first record describes the largest container (outermost container) and the number of containers. The second record describes the contents of the next smallest container. Records 3 through 6 are used in a similar manner (largest to smallest container) when necessary. The last quantity record used must describe the actual amount of product in the smallest container. For APHIS, the quantity reported should be the 'net' quantities. The ACE Appendix PGA lists the units of measure allowed for APHIS Core message set. The APHIS Core Supplemental Trade Guide provides a matrix of recommended units of measure by APHIS category type at different packing levels.
Is "spp., or sp.," acceptable for reporting species when the genus is also provided?
Reporting of PG05 scientific genus and scientific species names are determined based on APHIS regulations. The reporting of 'spp., or sp.,' for scientific species is acceptable if APHIS regulates the product to the genus level. For more information on APHIS regulations, please visit the APHIS Import & Export website or contact APHIS directly.
Can I file APHIS required information in paper?
On February 03, APHIS published a Federal Register Notice (-) announcing full implementation of the APHIS Core message set. The notice alerted that 'Importers or brokers using ACE must enter APHIS-required import data when they receive an APHIS-specific HTS flag in order to complete their entry in the system.' For paper filings, this means that an importer or broker who submits a paper-based entry to CBP will also submit APHIS required information in paper form, required by APHIS promptly upon arrival.to prevent duplication. For further information on when an APHIS Core message set is required please see the web page," When to Submit an APHIS Core Message Set, by Entry Type, in ACE".
Animal Products
Is APHIS Core data required for meat and poultry products subject to FSIS review?
Yes. Both APHIS and FSIS regulate the importation of meat and poultry products, along with other agencies. As the PGA message sets for different PGAs are separate, separate data filings are required for each PGA.
Are genus and species (PG05)required for animal products?
APHIS Core PGA data for Animal Products (Category Type AP) does not require the submission of PG05 (Genus & Species) information. Source animal species information for animal products should be submitted through PG10 as Commodity Characteristic Qualifier Code A32 (Species Composition). This information is available on the LPCOs accompanying the shipment.
Can APHIS Core data be disclaimed for used farm equipment from countries which are not impacted by foot-and-mouth disease? For example, does APHIS Core data need to be transmitted for used farm equipment from Canada?
Through enforcement by CBP Agriculture, both APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) and Veterinary Services (VS) restrict the importation of farm machinery. VS requires a foreign government certificate of steam cleaning for used farm equipment from countries affected with Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD). Unclean (soiled/dirty) farm machinery from any country is subject to PPQ soil/contamination restrictions.
APHIS Core PGA data can be disclaimed for new, clean farm equipment or for clean used farm equipment from countries free for FMD.
Can APHIS Core data be disclaimed for hunting trophies?
The import requirements for hunting trophies vary widely and may involve multiple PGAs, including APHIS. All trophies are subject to inspection by CBP Agriculture. APHIS Core PGA data should be submitted for hunting trophies requiring an LPCO.
Some hunting trophies require a foreign government certificate, while others require the submission of a copy of the importer's hunting license/permit or other documentation.
Do animal byproducts "cell cultures" include equine or canine sperm?
No. Cell cultures are cells grown in a laboratory. Canine and equine sperm are typically collected from the live animal, but not grown in a lab.
When multiple codes apply for commodities for human consumption, which should be used, or should all be noted?
Examples of food commodities for each AP category code 301 through 304 are listed in the Appendix PGA. In general, only one PG10 AP Category Code is needed. If a single message set is for food commodities that fall into multiple categories, then PG10 can be repeated.
Why use "B" disclaim for rawhide pet chews? How do we know per agency guidance?
The APHIS Supplemental Trade Guide provides examples when disclaim B code can be used. Bovine rawhide pet chews are exempt from AVS LPCO requirements if they meet certain import requirements. The guidance for this is posted on the APHIS website.
For manufacturer's statement,is there a sample available?
There is no defined format for the manufacturer's statement. The document is generated by the manufacturer and varies in format.
Will non-dairy products need reporting? For example: imitation cheese made of coconut oil?
No. You will not be required to submit APHIS animal product data for non-dairy products that contain no animal-origin material.
How would product that is coming in for use as biofuel ingredients be handled? Not for human or animal consumption or end use. Intended for use as a fuel ingredient.
The ingredients used to make biofuel can be plant or animal origin and may be subject to APQ and/or AVS import requirements. LPCOs may or may not be required. The intended use code would be 150 'For Commercial Processing as a Non Food Product'.
For AQ1 flagged new farm equipment, is the statement of "new" equipment on the commercial invoice enough?
For farm machinery, we recommend that the cargo description as well as other shipping data or documentation reflect the condition of the equipment as 'new.' CBP Agriculture may still inspect the machinery to verify the condition and ensure no soil or other contaminants are present.
For the original meat certificates requirement, if the country is on an e-cert program like Australia, there is no original meat certificate. Should this be annotated on the chart?
We will address this exception as an update to our Supplemental Trade Guide, which is due to be released in December .
Fruits and Vegetables
Are there tables available for PG10 category codes? For instance, is there a table that shows that tomatoes from Canada would fall under category code 613 for fruit and Mexican lettuce would fall under 601 for above-ground parts?
APHIS recently simplified and reduced the number of category codes for fruits and vegetables (AP) from 35 to 3. The new category codes and their definitions are in the ACE Appendix PGA. At this time APHIS does not intend to create a table that shows category codes and which products they apply to for fruits and vegetables.
When using pre-cleared (A03) code, is a copy of the PPQ 203 accepted by U.S. Customs AQI or will APHIS Core allow for paperless release of pre-cleared or pre-treated commodities?
The PPQ form 203 is accepted as a copy submitted to the Document Image System (DIS); however, CBP Agriculture may request original documentation to support the information provided in the DIS or the message set.
Is A03 used for precleared products? Will these be released quicker if the documents are in APHIS Core?
The A03 APHIS Processing Code is used to designate a shipment as pre-cleared. This designation will help the inspecting officer determine the actions necessary to process the shipment. APHIS expects faster release of shipments when using APHIS Core message sets compared to paper documents.
Are treatments required to be reported in the PG06 line? If products are cold treated in transit, would we put the date the cold treatment was completed?
The PG06 Processing Information is a conditional field that should be reported for treatments required for entry. Processing dates should be reported if available. If a treatment occurs in-route and does not complete processing by arrival, the end date can be left blank. Reporting of processing information will help inspectors determine actions necessary to process the shipment.
Cut Flowers and Plants for Planting
Is there a database to lookup crop grower codes?
Entity numbers for crop growers (DFI) are not required but requested if available. This information is sometimes found on government to government certificates (e.g. phytosanitary certificates).
Entity name (grower name), address, city, and country are required.
What is the threshold amount to differentiate between LSL (Large Seed Lot) and SSL (Small Seed Lot).
For the most up to date APHIS characteristic qualifier codes and their definitions please see the ACE Appendix PGA.
If the flowers are in a bouquet do you have to enter an APHIS line for each type of flower/plant in the bouquet?
Yes. Different flowers and plants in a bouquet require a message set. For more information on how to report flowers, please see the cut flowers section of the APHIS Core Implementation Guide.
Miscellaneous and Processed Products
Are filers required to transmit APHIS Core data for lumber products that do not require LPCO, or only if LPCO is required for the lumber product? For instance, Canadian cedar does not require LPCO. Would APHIS Core data need to be transmitted for Canadian cedar or can filers disclaim?
Please refer to the APHIS Import & Export website for guidance on admissibility requirements, including whether or not a permit or phytosanitary certificate is required for entry. You can also reach APHIS through our contacts page to determine the document requirements for your commodity. If your commodity is flagged AQ1 (data may be required) and does not require a permit, certificate, or other document (LPCO) for admissibility then a disclaim of B (per agency guidance) would be appropriate. However, you may choose to file a message set with the minimal data elements to help the inspector make admissibility determinations. The disclaiming of a shipment does not preclude CBP Agriculture from exercising their authority to request documentation or hold for inspection.
APHIS removed FRC (Fresh Chilled), and FRF (Fresh Frozen from category code AP characteristic code A71, how do I file products I had been using those codes for?
In order to align more fully with the Agriculture Commodity Import Requirements (ACIR) search tool for plant and agriculture-related products, APHIS has retired the codes FRC (Fresh Chilled) and FRF (Fresh Frozen), replacing them with FRS (Fresh) and QFR (Quick Frozen). Additionally, ACIR now uses the article type "fruits and vegetables" (which aligns with AP) for many products previously filed under the Miscellaneous category (AP). APHIS believes that, in the long run, this alignment will help brokers, filers, and importers better identify import requirements and streamline ACE submissions.
Live Animals
What will be required for live animal shipments?
At this time, APHIS Core PGA data is not required for APHIS Veterinary Services (AVS)-regulated live animals (mainly livestock, horses, birds). APHIS Core PGA data is required for live dog imports regulated by APHIS Animal Care (AAC).
AVS-regulated live animals are examined and released directly by AVS. Certain AVS-regulated live animal shipments may require information to be submitted into a VS system (Veterinary Services Process Streamlining-VSPS) for import clearance. Note: live dog imports are still regulated by APHIS, but by APHIS Animal Care, a separate program from Veterinary Services.
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